Well we had a great day at Tim and Susie's Hen House, took some of the chickens over there and sold everything and came back with some new stuff and some new and fresh ideas. We never really thought about selling farm fresh eggs but we may start next year. Cant do much of anything right now because of Nursing school but next year is a whole different story. Jeremy makes his incubators and that is another idea. Hmm we will see. Any way what a great way to spend the day...No off to study for a test.. Hope everyone has a great week!!!
We had a new hatching of babies today they are just so cute..Will get pictures and post on a warmer day. Miss Hannah is sick, bless her heart so this week has been kinda hectic. I and her both have missed some school this week. I dont know if we can make it to the swap meet in Scottsville this weekend, I was soo looking forward to it, we were gonna take the splash silkes to sell and I was gonna do some shopping of my own..I would like 3 more buff orphingtons. I also wanted to hit all the amish goodies if they are set up there..If you havent heard of it its a Small Animal Swap Meet at Susie's Hen House in Scottsville, the sell a little bit of everything as long as its small plus the amish sell bread and cookies and different kinds of homemade items, its awesome. Check it out here is a link to the website http://timandsusiehenhouse.com/index.php. Well I hope everyone has a great week and take care...